"Wise men still seek Him..." |
- Many neighbors were very surprised and appreciative: surprised because it's not common to do thing in Spain (in fact, it never happens) and appreciative because, hey, who doesn't like cookies?
- A couple neighbors went from skeptical (who are you and why are you at my door?) to confused (you want to give me cookies?) to appreciative (I guess this is all right and, by the way, thanks for the cookies).
- One neighbor was clearly high from smoking marijuana...He was quite happy and appreciative (wreaking of pot). We figured he and his buddies would be appreciative for something to cure the munchies.
- The neighbor directly below us said, "(Expletive!!!) I can't believe that you're doing this. I mean, I've seen that Americans do this sort of thing in the movies, but I never expected that someone would actually come to my doors to give me cookies and a card! Thanks so much...Wow, I just can't believe someone would think of others like this!" Then he and his wife invited us in for coffee, and we spent half an hour or so getting to know them while the wife played with little Miriam.
So apart from giving the Christmas card with a brief but clearly Christ-centered message on it, we didn't "share the Gospel" directly with anyone. But our neighbors now know who we are, we've formally met, and we can talk with them a little more comfortably when we pass in the hallways or on the elevator. And this is the foundation for building deeper relationships with them in the future so that we can talk about the deeper things of life and faith. And, by the way, they probably already know we're the strange evangelical Christian foreigners.
What a great, non-intimidating way to break the ice and get to meet your neighbors! Thanks for sharing!
I love it! I would let anyone into my house with cookies! Praying for you and your work there!
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